Original drawings for Lister's 'Conchology'

Volume entitled: "The Method of Building, Rigging, Apparelling and Furnishing his Majesty's Ships of Warr, according to their Rates - with The Exact Proportion and Charge of all Things requisite thereunto"

Volume entitled: "The length of all the Mastes and yards of his Ma[jesty's] ships and Pinnaces; A proportion of cables and anchors to furnish them to sea; All their standing roapes; Dimentions of their boates; Breadth and depth of their sayles; their burthen, number of men and ordnance."

Volume bearing the title "Le Trésor des Trésors" (The Treasure of the Treasures)

Torn note referring to a payment of £5.0.0

Obligation between Benjamin Davison and William Raisbeck

Legal agreement regarding the transfer of land in the East fields; 7 acres In le Eastfeild; land at Wrydike; Corne Close and 7 acres in le Eastfeild

Bills paid by Mr Raisbeck to Mrs Bone

[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]

Pages 14 and 15 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1